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Pricing strategy

Pricing stretchy is a strategy that we determine the price to push their product into the market.
Pricing strategy has 10strategies:

1 skimming pricing

Skimming pricing strategy is a pricing strategy in which a marketer sets a relatively in high initial price for a product or service at first, then lowers the price over time. It is a temporal version of price discrimination/yield management.

2 competition pricing
 Competitive pricing consists of setting the price at the same level as one's competitors. ... In any market, many firms sell the same or very similar products, and according to classical economics, the price for these products should, in theory, already be at an equilibrium (or at least at a local equilibrium)(Abstract from Competitive Pricing Definition - Lokad)

3. product line pricing
Product line pricing is The procedure retailers use to isolate merchandise into different cost classifications making diverse quality levels in the brains of their clients. Product offering estimating is more compelling when there are plentiful value holes between every class with the goal that the customer is very much educated of the quality differentials.

4.cost based pricing
Cost based pricing strategy is one of the evaluating techniques for deciding the offering cost of an item by the organization, wherein the cost of an item is controlled by including a benefit component (rate) notwithstanding the expense of making the item.

5.cost plus pricing
Cost plus pricing strategy is a cost-based method for setting the prices of goods and services. Under this approach, you add together the direct material cost, direct labor cost, and overhead costs for a product, and add to it a markup percentage (to create a profit margin) in order to derive the price of the product.(Abstract from Cost plus pricing — AccountingTools)

6.optional pricing
Optional pricing strategy is Discretionary Product Pricing. Organizations will endeavor to build the sum clients spend once they begin to purchase. Discretionary 'additional items' increment the general cost of the item or administration. For instance carriers will charge for discretionary additional items, for example, ensuring a seat by the window or holding a line of seats by one another.

7.psychological pricing
 Pshychological pricing strategy is the act of setting costs somewhat lower than adjusted numbers, in the conviction that clients don't round up these costs, thus will regard them as lower costs than they truly may be. ... A case of mental evaluating is setting the cost of a vehicle at $19,999, as opposed to $20,000.

8.premium pricing
Premium pricing strategy is Premium evaluating (additionally called picture valuing or distinction estimating) is the act of keeping the cost of an item or administration falsely high with the end goal to empower ideal discernments among purchasers, in light of on the cost.

9.penetration pricing
Penetration pricing strategy is a pricing strategy where the price of a product is initially set low to rapidly reach a wide fraction of the market initiate word of mouth. The strategy work on the expectation that customer will switch to the new brand because of lowers price.

10.bundle pricing
In a bundle pricing, organizations offer a bundle or set of merchandise or administrations at a lower cost than they would charge if the client purchased every one of them independently. Normal precedents incorporate choice bundles on new autos, esteem suppers at eateries and satellite TV station designs.

thank you for your reading...!

prepared by chanthol advisor 
profesional in marketing

1 comment:

  1. Nice Article. Thanks for sharing such kind of information with us. If you want to some more tips regarding pricing strategies read this article.


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